ExoTerra - Organic Plant Proteins



Plant protein can help contribute to a healthier you and a healthier planet. Choosing sustainable food sources, like plant protein based foods, can help feed a growing world population more efficiently and reduce the drain on the planet’s resources. Even when an environmental crisis is looming, small changes, like adding more plant protein in your diet, can add up to make a big difference.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over the next several decades, more people in developing countries will have access to animal protein due to improvements to urban infrastructure and economic prosperity. By 2030, the WHO predicts that the world will consume nearly twice the amount of meat per year than it did in the 1960s. Access to nutrient-rich foods is important for building health in developing countries, but the industrialized world is forecasted to consume nearly three times the amount of meat of developing countries. This increase in global demand, and what many consider overconsumption by the industrialized world, will have a long-term damaging impact on the environment.

Although the consumption of animal protein is part of a nutrient-rich diet for many, its production is inefficient and has unintended negative consequences on the environment. A growing population increases sustainability issues, hence the introduction to plant and insect proteins 

  • Global food demand will grow by 70% or more by 2050, along with a significant need for protein – an essential nutrient for human health.
  • If global population reaches 9.1 billion by 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations says that world food production will need to rise by 70%. Food production in the developing world will need to double while overcoming rising energy prices, growing depletion of underground aquifers, the continuing loss of farmland to urbanization, and increased drought and flooding resulting from climate change.
  • Humans derive about 20% of their protein from animal-based products now, but this may need to drop to just 5% by 2050 to feed the extra 2 billion people expected to be alive.

Negative impact on our air and water

  • There will be just enough water available if the proportion of animal-based foods is limited to 5% of total calories, and considerable regional water deficits can be met by a reliable system of food trade.
  • The enormous volume of meat, pork and poultry farm waste can't be re-processed, and potentially end up into our waterways.
  • Production of animal protein is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 9% of human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 37% of emissions of methane (CH4).5

Plant protein is a far more sustainable solution

Why is plant protein a more sustainable solution for the growing protein demand worldwide? In addition to many plant sources being complete proteins, production of plant proteins are more efficient than animal proteins in terms of water and land use.

  • On average, land requirements for plant protein production are 1/10th of the land requirements for animal protein, and producing 1kg of grain protein requires approximately 1% the amount of water necessary to produce 1kg of animal protein.
  • Adopting a vegetarian diet is one option to increase the amount of water available to grow more food in an increasingly climate-erratic world, according to scientists. Animal protein-rich food consumes five to 10 times more water than a vegetarian diet. 

    -"It Only Take One Person To Start A Revolution"

    In late 2014, Trekking The Umphang Wildlife Sanctuary in Northern Thailand,  ( Known For Its Dense Tropical Jungles & Hostile Environment ), We Faced A Dire Problem. Running Out Of Food, Clean Water, & Sanity, We Were Quickly Facing A Survival Situation. As Faced With Any Situation You Quickly Figure Out What You Need To Do To Make It Through It. That night as we made fire, we noticed an abundance of insects that would gather towards the flames. Seeking warmth, many of them would get too close and ended up roasting themselves. Ironically this was also the night our food supply ran out, and as our hunger grew, we had little choice but to get our proteins from insects....thus our idea began. 

     As we began consuming insects ( crickets, scorpions, and termites ) along with native plant species, we noticed an almost instantaneous synergy within our bodies. Our energy levels, stamina and overall mental clarity was dramatically improved. The next morning our bodies were feeling replenished enough to make it out of the jungle. This than started the concept of ExoTerra.


    • Develop sustainable eco friendly technologies and food securities from organic plant and insect proteins

    • Produce a pure sustainable organic product line, based on plants, insects, and organic nutrients 

    • Non Carbon foot print affecting climate change and clean energy positively 

    • Preservation of our natural resources 

    • Spread education and aid to the surrounding nations 



    Creating an organic company

    Creating an organic company solely based off plant and insect proteins wasn't are only goal. We wanted to develop a product completely sustainable to both the planet and a healthy lifestyle. With the ongoing destruction of our planets eco systems and the growing population, we felt the need to better educate the world with sustainable food technologies and securities. 

    When starting the concept of an organic company, dealing primarily with plant and insects, we faced the problem of "Yuck" or "Gross, im not eating bugs." This problem was quickly remedied with one thing ...capsules. We understood that the average person wouldn't want to eat a crispy cricket or ingest termites, let alone a scorpion, we too were a little skeptical. We also needed a way to keep the insects and plant proteins fresh with no loss of nutrients. Hence freeze drying / dehydration and fine course grinding ( think coffee bean grinding and you'll get it )

    These methods make it perfect for a multiple of uses, once the proteins are in a powder form the versatility of the product is limitless. This was not an easy process as we spent over two years perfecting this method to insure all the nutrients and proteins didn't loose their effectiveness.   
    Our products are pure and organic. We take the time to research every vitamin, mineral and protein within our products to offer the purest organic nutrients available. 

    We use all human grade organically fed insects harvested on our own FDA approved insect farms.